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Get account transactions

Retrieves a list of all Transactions for a given Address or Contract Identifier. More information on Transaction types can be found here.

If you need to actively monitor new transactions for an address or contract id, we highly recommend subscribing to WebSockets or for real-time updates.

Path Parameters
principal string REQUIRED

Stacks address or a Contract identifier

Query Parameters
limit integer

max number of account transactions to fetch

Example: 42000
offset integer

index of first account transaction to fetch

Example: 42000
height number

Filter for transactions only at this given block height

Example: 42000
unanchored boolean

Include transaction data from unanchored (i.e. unconfirmed) microblocks

Example: true
until_block string

returned data representing the state up until that point in time, rather than the current block. Note - Use either of the query parameters but not both at a time.

Example: 60000


limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 30

offset integer
total integer
results object[]